Infestation of animal pests? We help!

Multiple techniques have been evolved during the past 25-years of experience in this area so that a unique solution for every problem can be found.

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IRT - The German company Find out more!

Infestation of animal pests and pure dry rot on roof structures, timbered houses and other parts of buildings constitute a big challenge for cities and private citizens. The company IRT in Lippstadt has given itself the challenge to find an ecological and effective solution for each of these problems to ensure the mortification of the pure dry rot and animal pests in every stage of development.

Multiple techniques have been evolved during the past 25-years of experience in this area so that a unique solution for every problem can be found.

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Infestation of animal pests Our technique

Buildings or only parts like the storey ceiling or the roof structure get warmed up so that even in the most unfavourable places the necessary temperature can be reached. Simultaneously ceilings and floors get heated up from both sides. In case of infestation in the outside area complete or part enclosures with a special foil are undertaken.

A modern data recording system with sensors enables specific controls and digital documentation. Every machine is equipped with modern measurement and control technology which is essential to exercise caution on the complex objects.

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IRT Innovative Restaurierungs Technik
Christoph Diers

Raiffeisenstr. 22
59557 Lippstadt


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Give us a call! Opening times 08:00-14:00
